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Textsoap 7 0 Intelkg Download Free

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Complete Control over Text and Formatting
TextSoap is the only text cleaning utility that maintains formatting while it cleans up the text. But TextSoap goes beyond just maintaining text formats. You can actually clean text based on its format or format based on text contents.
Find bolded text and tag the text with HTML tags (). Find any instances of a word and italicize it. Remove extra spaces or garbage characters without losing the format of your text. Click and you're done.
100+ Cleaners at Your Disposal
TextSoap has over 100 built-in cleaners that you can use. The cleaners are attached to your text editing window. Select your text and click on the cleaner button you wish to apply. That's all there is to it.
And if you can't find a cleaner to do exactly what you need, you can create a custom cleaner that offers unprecedented flexibility in manipulating text and text formats.
TextSoap features a powerful cleaner called 'Scrub'. Scrub is a combination cleaner that is designed to handle the most common text cleaning tasks. It will remove extra spaces, fix broken paragraphs, remove email forwarding marks () and more. The goal of Scrub is to clean up about 90% of the cases you run into.
You may like Scrub, but want just a little bit more. You can create your own cleaner, or you can use the MyScrub feature. MyScrub allows you to build your own 'Scrub'. You can base it on 'Scrub' or do something completely different.
Custom Cleaners
Even though TextSoap comes with more than 100 built-in cleaners and MyScrub, sometimes you've got a special circumstance. TextSoap can build customized cleaners providing a powerful, yet simple, way to customize your cleaners.
TextSoap includes an easy to use Custom Cleaner Editor to help you create customized solutions for transforming your text. The editor uses a simple drag and drop interface to build up a list of actions into a workflow to change your text. It also includes regular expression support that works with both rich text and plain text.
With more than 100 built-in cleaners and your own custom cleaners, you may want to organize the cleaners a bit differently. TextSoap lets you create custom collections of cleaners called 'Groups'. With Groups, you can determine which cleaners to include and in what order. Add in labels and separators to organize within a group. Whether it is just your favorite collection of cleaners or ones geared towards specific tasks, organize TextSoap to meet your needs.
Application Integration
Along with a full featured text editor, TextSoap also integrates with your favorite applications using a variety of plugin options. TextSoap can work directly with your text in Apple Mail, TextEdit, Eudora, Pages, MS Word, TextWrangler, BBEdit, Coda, and much more.
Through OS X Services, you can use TextSoap's cleaners without leaving the application. The shortcut menu module allows many applications to add TextSoap's cleaners to their shortcut (control-click) menu.
TextSoap also has application-specific plugins for BBEdit, TextWrangler, Eudora, and Coda. These plugins are designed specifically for these applications -- taking advantage of additional integration options offered by the programs.
Automator and AppleScript
TextSoap also supports AppleScript and Automator integration, allowing you to take full advantage of TextSoap's features in automated workflows.
TextSoap features an AppleScript addition which adds several commands to the AppleScript language designed to call TextSoap to process text.
TextSoap offers two Automator actions. One is designed to apply TextSoap's cleaners to text within a workflow, the other is designed to process text files using a workflow. The 'Clean Text Files' action lets you create a simple batch processing workflow that takes full advantage of TextSoap.
The Clipboard Workspace makes editing clipboard contents easy. All your text editing and cleaning can be controlled within a single editor window.
Use the Group Editor to create your own collection of cleaners. Organized cleaners for specific tasks or however you see fit.
The new Custom Cleaner Editor makes it even easier to create your own custom text cleaning solutions. Single window interface puts everything you need to create custom cleaners at your fingertips.
Individual cleaner actions now support user notes. They can also be temporarily disabled. Or collapse them to their titles to allow for more space.
Along with its built-in editor, TextSoap also integrated with your favorite application. You can use the shortcut menu, AppleScript or one of the application specific plugins to access TextSoap right inside your favorite application.
TextSoap also adds OS X Services support, providing integration with any application that supports OS X Services. TextSoap can also specify keyboard shortcuts for Services.

TextSoap 8 Overview Automatically remove unwanted characters, fix messed up carriage returns, and pretty much anything else you can imagine. Save time & effort. Be more productive. Stop manually fixing text documents and emails. TextSoap can automate away all that tediousness. Download the trial now. Stacks is an easy to use task manager that helps to organize your tasks in an elegant and intuitive way. Using a kanban paradigm for managing your projects Stacks offers a flexible and visual way to organize tasks with ease. Combining powerful features like tags, task grouping, quick search and attachments with a beautiful user interface, Stacks aims to make task management both easy and fun.

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TextSoap Express

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provides you with the powerful plain text processing draped in an elegantly simple user interface.

Great when you just need the basics for text without fonts, styles or colors. TextSoap Express uses the same elegant interface praised by users, specifically crafted to needs of the occasional user with a focus on plain text cleaning.

Super simple to use: Copy and paste your text in. Click on the provided cleaners from the palette to clean the text.

Express includes the popular SCRUB cleaner, which fixes many commonly found email text issues in a single click.

Or use one of the built-in cleaners provided, ranging from removing extra returns to converting typographical characters.

Word online. Built-in groups provide quick access to categories of cleaners:

  • Standard
  • Email
  • Case conversion
  • Text Quoting
  • Remove Extraneous
  • Custom

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Express is ready to handle your Unicode text with support for Unicode-aware regular expressions when a simple find and replace is just not enough.

Express gives you plenty of pre-made solutions. The built-in cleaners include: SCRUB Hypersnap 1 4 2 x 4.

Textsoap 7 0 Intelkg Download Free Download

  • Remove Extra Spaces
  • Remove Forwarding (>) Characters
  • Convert MIME-encoded Characters
  • Make Paragraphs
  • Remove All Tabs
  • Remove Control Characters
  • Remove Extra Returns
  • Convert to Uppercase
  • Convert to Lowercase
  • Capitalize Sentences
  • Capitalize With Title Case
  • Capitalize Words
  • Convert Bullets to ASCII
  • Straighten Quotes
  • Smarten Quotes
  • Expand Tabs
  • Rewrap Text
  • Quote Text
  • Wrap At 50
  • Wrap At 60
  • Increase Quote Level
  • Convert to Internet Friendly Text
  • Remove All High Ascii Characters
  • 1 Return to 2 Returns
  • 1 Return to Space
  • Strip Quoting (>) Characters
  • Multiple Returns to 1 Return
  • Multiple Returns to 2 Returns
  • Trim Lines
  • Convert Non-Breaking Spaces
  • Sort Lines in Ascending Order
  • Sort Lines in Descending Order
Release Notes

Textsoap 7 0 Intelkg Download Freeware

Version 1.0.1:
  • Fixed bug where showing cleaner statistics could crash if text had never been processed.
  • Removed stray, non-functioning menu items, icons, and other leftovers.
  • General improvements and fixes.

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